This post shows how we implemented a fine-grained system-to-system authorization for microservices application using Amazon Cognito user pool and API Gateway.
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Chat the Ops up
This is the story of how we improved our CI/CD methodology by using Bamboo-on-Teams, a serverless ChatOps tool for interacting with Atlassian Bamboo from Microsoft Teams.
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AWS one punch
One punch to grant all command prompts AWS access with IAM role credentials in OSX.
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Tail call optimization in Scala
Recursion provides us an easy way to solve some problems, and makes the code simpler and easier to follow. But one problem of it is the memory cost caused by the recursive call stack, which could be critical for memory sensitive applications like mobile ones.
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Mysql读写分离:Spring+JPA应用层实现 vs Amoeba中间件实现
前段时间看了篇文章,讲Youku网数据库架构的演变,如何从最开始的读写分离,再到垂直分区,最后到水平分片,一步一步慢慢成熟的。看完之后很有冲动抽出一个模型来把这几种技术都实现一下。 说干就干,首先是读写分离...
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MapReduce tuning
MapReduce is not a low latency computing model, minutes at least will go before we got the result. But this does not mean there's no way for us to make it faster. Combined with the nature of Hadoop, here are some solutions from different pespective.
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在实际开发中经常遇到属性克隆的问题,比如在表现层提交的Request DTO,可能需要在控制层被映射成多个Java Bean,再传递到逻辑层来进行相应的业务处理,那么如何才能简单而又快速的完成属性克隆呢?
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程序开发过程中,在同一系统中层层之间数据传递或者是异构系统之间同步异步通信的时候,我们经常需要对Java Bean进行属性验证,来决定是否继续后续process,或者直接抛出error message。EasyValidation是基于Aviator DIY的申明式验证框架,能解决传统解决方案存在的弊端与不足。
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